The Thrill of Hope- 12.31.2019

“The thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn”... These are the words of my very favorite Christmas song, O Holy Night.  I loved this song so much that I waited to release this Christmas album until I could successfully sing it again and do it some semblance of justice.  

These words embody what 2019 has meant to me.  I began 2019 weary and worn from disappointment, from dreams left unfulfilled and a calling that I couldn’t fully understand.  And yet...there was hope. There was a distinct feeling in the depths of my soul that I could hope in the Lord. That He would not leave me or forsake me.  And that even, just maybe, He was not finished with me yet. The thrill of hope.  

The thrill of hope has been realized in many wonderful ways this year as, against ALL ODDS, the Lord has allowed me in His mercy to complete this Christmas album project.  We encountered so many obstacles in the process that this fact almost seemed unsurmountable at so many points in the venture. (In fact, I’m still having a hard time believing that it’s actually done!!)  And yet, we had hope. Time and time again, I felt a bit like Samson, who in the Old Testament stood with his arms between two pillars, in a building filled with his enemies, and prayed, “Give me strength one more time, Lord.”  I would literally go into the recording studio and pray this prayer throughout the past year. “Father, give me one more song, if it is Your will.  Just one more.”  And He did!!  And another song.  And another song. Until we were finished.  One time, He even showed off and allowed me to finish a vocal take in only one shot.  Only God. The thrill of hope.

And now, to get to share this music with you all, music that has been so near and dear to my heart, to know that this portion of the journey is complete, and to get to sit back and watch what the Lord will do with this offering, THAT is the thrill of hope.  I can hope because JESUS IS MY HOPE. Without Him, we would be sinners LEFT in the darkness of our sin and in the darkness of night. But, like those wise men from long ago, a star is given. A lamppost with which to orient our lives. A Savior has been born.  And this, my friends, is the reason for our hope. HE is the thrill of hope. Let the weary world, and let our weary hearts, REJOICE!!!!

To Him that is our King, to all that would receive Him as such,

Lori <3

